A bit of of everything.. Everton related.. Vacation related.. Personal related..
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Malaysia Cup Final 2009
I have been waiting the date 07.11.2009 for sometimes now.. why? sbb my beloved football club (or state) will come to Bukit Jalil Stadium to face N9 in the final Malaysia Cup Final.. whoaa.. this is a REALLY BIG thing considering the Red Warriors (kelantan's nickname) never won the cup before or any cup for that matter.. erm.. yes.. cup cake tak kira la.. hehe..
aku dh kir my tix kat my fren, abong who is willing to buy 4 of us the tickets (3 others supporting N9.. while abong also supporting Kelantan thou his parent from Perak).. somehow abong x jd beli tix that day due to his workloads @ his new office.. takkan la nak meng 'ular' kan diri.. baiknya abong.. hehe..
I read somewhere that ti dh abis.. called abong.. 'Bong.. teket abis doh ni.. pah.. guano nih? abong cdgkan that we terjah je kat stadium.. mana le tau.. kot2 ada tiket lagi.. around 6.40pm.. both of us mundar mandir kat stadium.. dgn harapan kaunter bukak.. takpun ada 'ulat' yg jual dgn harga extra RM5.. or RM10 at most.. sadly or luckily.. kitorg x jumpa.. siap korek2 rahsia dgn peniaga2 kat gerai.. then.. dekat kedai makan.. still takde..
Finally the day sampai jugak akhirnya.. me still without a ticket.. *sigh*.. erm.. pukul 7 lagi dh pegi stadium.. coz I hav to pick up my lil bro yg baru smpi all the way from Pasey Mah semata-mata nk tgk bola.. perghh.. semangat betul.. aku yg stay kat area bukit jalil pun takde tiket lagi nih.. huhu.. kitorang jalan2 kat stdium.. saje nk usha jersi utk anak2.. cantik2 tp mahal skit.. around 7.40am.. lampu kat kaunter pun terpasang.. aa lagi.. berduyun org beratur.. me & my lil' bro un join gak.. ramainya yg belum dpt tiket.. erm.. luckily abong bgtau dia dh dpt tiket so x yah beratur.. so aku jalan2 kat gerai.. berkenan pulak dgn jersi kelantan.. x pernah ada.. givin thought for a while.. me & adam bought kelantan's jersey.. RM59.. ori.. sbb nk support kelantan.. beli la yg ori.. i'm thinking that kelantan fc should have better marketing strategy to promote.. ramai sgt jual barang tipu.. tau la kelantan kat siam.. barangan ciplak senang..
Lastly, proud of having the red warrior jersey.. Go more kelate go more.. win the cup..
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thou a bit late.. I still want to give my views regarding Everton transfer..
Finally THE transfer window came to an end.. Lescott finally left us to city.. and Moyes manage to get 3 more signings..
1) Diniyar Bilyaletdinov.. a.k.a Billy.. an Russian International.. Position Left midfielder/winger.. 24 yrs old.. he managed to get a few minutes under his belt during the Wigan's match.. with his addition.. I believe he will be our left midfield and Pienaar will have the chance to play at the right side.. so Osman will be benched.. not bad.. Billy costs us around GBP9-10m..

2) Sylvain Distin - former pompey man.. almost 32 yrs old.. costs us GBP5.3m.. a bit expensive for his age.. but its hard to get a good defender these days.. u'll have to invest a lot.. for me, Distin will offer us experience and stabilty at the left side being left by Lescott.. he also can play a leftback.. cover for Baines..

3) Johnny Heitinga.. Dutch International.. almost 26 yrs old.. what do Moyes see in him?? Probably his flexibility.. more like Neville as he can play as Right Back, Center Back and Defensive mid.. I hope he will replace Hibbo at right back.. read somewhere that he played better at right back compare to center when he was playing for Athletico Madrid and Holland.. I thought he would't come to Everton as he being paid better at Spain & playing in Champions League... surprise.. surprise.. maybe Everton somehow manage to match his wages/salary.. His price? GBP6m rising to GBP7m..
so.. Moyes did use all Lescott money to buy 3 good players.. I say thats a good business.. hopefully.. we'll break top 4 this season despite a poor start.. COYB!!
Finally THE transfer window came to an end.. Lescott finally left us to city.. and Moyes manage to get 3 more signings..
1) Diniyar Bilyaletdinov.. a.k.a Billy.. an Russian International.. Position Left midfielder/winger.. 24 yrs old.. he managed to get a few minutes under his belt during the Wigan's match.. with his addition.. I believe he will be our left midfield and Pienaar will have the chance to play at the right side.. so Osman will be benched.. not bad.. Billy costs us around GBP9-10m..

2) Sylvain Distin - former pompey man.. almost 32 yrs old.. costs us GBP5.3m.. a bit expensive for his age.. but its hard to get a good defender these days.. u'll have to invest a lot.. for me, Distin will offer us experience and stabilty at the left side being left by Lescott.. he also can play a leftback.. cover for Baines..

3) Johnny Heitinga.. Dutch International.. almost 26 yrs old.. what do Moyes see in him?? Probably his flexibility.. more like Neville as he can play as Right Back, Center Back and Defensive mid.. I hope he will replace Hibbo at right back.. read somewhere that he played better at right back compare to center when he was playing for Athletico Madrid and Holland.. I thought he would't come to Everton as he being paid better at Spain & playing in Champions League... surprise.. surprise.. maybe Everton somehow manage to match his wages/salary.. His price? GBP6m rising to GBP7m..

so.. Moyes did use all Lescott money to buy 3 good players.. I say thats a good business.. hopefully.. we'll break top 4 this season despite a poor start.. COYB!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
vs Arsenal (15 Aug 2009)
Well.. as a Toffee fan.. I should have a strong heart as my beloved Everton's performance always unpredictable.. Losing to the Gooners 1-6 at Goodison Park is unthinkable.. but it did happen.. Here r my views regarding the match.. Everton been run riot by the gooners at GP due to:
1. our defender failed to deal with free kicks, failed to track back arse players.. Baines been bullied by Bendtner ( 5'7" vs 6'3").. Oi Bendtner!!.. not fair la.. hehehe.. well.. thats football for u.. unconvincing performance by Yobo & Lescott (maybe the transfer saga did affect him after all.. ) plus few poor crosses from Hibbo.. erm.. not helping at all..
2. Our midfielders.. were they around?? Cahill remain unanimous.. Ossie's poor performance.. not able to get pass Clichy for few times.. *sigh*.. very unconsistent Captain Pip did a few tackles.. not enuff.. Fellaini is OK but his running seem a bit slow prolly due to his hair (against the wind).. Pienaar was my Everton's MOTM.. did a few tricks.. but he looked like carrying injuries.. not fully fit..
3. The Striker?? Jo.. did not have much opportunities.. but Saha should start the next game.. he looked sharp. thou in one occassion.. he looked a bit selfish.. but he can create opportunity out of nothing..
all in all.. we need our defenders to be solid as we know they'd be.. maybe Moyes should sell Lescott.. as our players might get a bit distracted with the whole issue.. steven taylor seem a good replacement.. if we can get him for less than GBP6m.. I'd be happy.. to me.. hes better than Senderos..
as for midfield department.. we need a creative mid urgently.. since Arteta not around, our mid looked clueless.. no flair.. no creativity.. I heard that we're trying to get Ever Banega on loan from Valencia.. an argentian international.. erm.. he must be a good player then.. & also we need right mid.. bentley, bystrov, or petrov would be welcomed to fight for Ossie's position..
Hopefully we can get new players ASAP.. match against gooners is only our 1st game.. we hav to play better in the coming matches.. COYB..
1. our defender failed to deal with free kicks, failed to track back arse players.. Baines been bullied by Bendtner ( 5'7" vs 6'3").. Oi Bendtner!!.. not fair la.. hehehe.. well.. thats football for u.. unconvincing performance by Yobo & Lescott (maybe the transfer saga did affect him after all.. ) plus few poor crosses from Hibbo.. erm.. not helping at all..
2. Our midfielders.. were they around?? Cahill remain unanimous.. Ossie's poor performance.. not able to get pass Clichy for few times.. *sigh*.. very unconsistent Captain Pip did a few tackles.. not enuff.. Fellaini is OK but his running seem a bit slow prolly due to his hair (against the wind).. Pienaar was my Everton's MOTM.. did a few tricks.. but he looked like carrying injuries.. not fully fit..
3. The Striker?? Jo.. did not have much opportunities.. but Saha should start the next game.. he looked sharp. thou in one occassion.. he looked a bit selfish.. but he can create opportunity out of nothing..
all in all.. we need our defenders to be solid as we know they'd be.. maybe Moyes should sell Lescott.. as our players might get a bit distracted with the whole issue.. steven taylor seem a good replacement.. if we can get him for less than GBP6m.. I'd be happy.. to me.. hes better than Senderos..
as for midfield department.. we need a creative mid urgently.. since Arteta not around, our mid looked clueless.. no flair.. no creativity.. I heard that we're trying to get Ever Banega on loan from Valencia.. an argentian international.. erm.. he must be a good player then.. & also we need right mid.. bentley, bystrov, or petrov would be welcomed to fight for Ossie's position..
Hopefully we can get new players ASAP.. match against gooners is only our 1st game.. we hav to play better in the coming matches.. COYB..
Trip to Jakarta/Bandung (8 - 12 Aug 2009)
Finally.. sampai jugak aku kat Indonesia ni.. (Jakarta & Bandung 2 B exact..) I must say it was a fun trip.. best la jugak.. thou pada firasat aku, wifey mesti lebih enjoy.. Let me share a bit of my experience pergi sana.. There are 6 of us altogether.. me & wifey, my office mate: kak mah (ibu sari), kak ainon & abg zul & his wife..
Day 1 (8 Aug 2009)
Bertolak tepat 3.55 pm (waktu Malaysia) dgn flight AirAsia QZ.. (erm.. x sangka pulak 'on time'.. hehe..) dan tiba Soekarna-Hatta airport dlm 5 lebih (waktu Indonesia). Disambut oleh Ms. Enggar & Pak Yanto (our supir for the day..)
On d way using highway Jakarta-Bandung.. since aku kat depan.. I do all the talking dgn Pak Yanto.. erm.. surprise.. surprise.. dia selalu jadi supir utk pelakon layar lebar (filem) such as Irwansyah.. Acha..etc... then, we stopped somewhere dekat Bekasi & Citibung.. or is it Citubung or Cibutung.. erm.. whatever la.. & pekena makanan padang @ Sederhana Bintaro.. Mak aii.. banyaknya lauk.. penuh meja.. TAPI jaga2.. pilih yang nak makan saja.. or u'll end up paying all.. After that, finally sampai Bandung, we managed to reach Wisma Ganda Pura kira2 10pm.. Kesian.. our supir kat Bandung (Mas Dony) dh tunggu dari jam 6 kat hotel tu.. the hotel rates as follows:
1. Me & wifey stay at deluxe room (IDR205k weekend/185k weekdays).. kira2 RM73/66
2. K.Ainon & K.Mah at std room (IDR150k weekend/135k weekdays).. takde aircond.. kipas je.. takpe Bandung sejuk kata mereka..
3. A.Zul & wife at exec room(IDR235k weekend/210k weekdays).. ada fridge woo.. bangga a.zul..
Day 2 (9 Aug 2009)
Breakfast kul 6.30 am. Nasi goreng + telur mata & air teh.. wanginya.. rasa cam bunga je.. Then 7.30am Mas Dony dtg & pick us up to Tangkuban Parahu.. sampai sana.. our supir tersilap ambil jalan.. we end up naik ikut 4wd's route.. so challenging.. cam naik kuda rasanya.. risau gila fikirkan wifey yg asyik pegang perut je.. lama pulak tu.. akhirnya jumpa gak jalan biasa ke puncak.. Di sana dpt lihat kawah gunung berapi yang besar.. what a beautiful scenery & suprisingly still active.. so we took few pics.. yg tak tahannya.. penjual souvenir.. asyik ikut je.. sampai pergi toilet pun diorg tunggu.. dahsyat betul diorang ni.. last2 aku beli juga.. baru diorg blah.. Then nampak A.zul & 3 mak dara turun ke bawah.. maybe ke kawah domas yang dikabarkan masih berasap (active).. plus ada air yg menggelegak.. boleh direbus telur.. Me & wifey tak pergi..

After that, we all singgah Rumah Mode.. There r many shops around.. ada tempat makan/minum.. I'm impressed with the place.. so neat.. thou harga barang a bit mahal.. waa.. cantiknya jaket kulit tu.. selepas penat berjalan, we all sempat makan cendol.. best jugak.. Then we went to cihampelas or cempelas or whatever la.. memandangkan hampir jam 3.. we all singgah for lunch.. erm.. makanan padang lagi.. tp rasa cam kureng sikit berbanding kat sederhana bintaro tu.. then jalan2 sekitar kawasan utk tgk2 barang yg boleh dibeli..
Lepas tu kira2 6pm we all singgah Toko 3.. nyaris tak leh masuk sbb tutup kul 6 rupanya.. banyak jeans yg dijual di sini.. ori beb!! murah la jugak.. teringin nak beli 505.. size 34 ada tp ketat la pulak.. kena cari 512 (relaxed straight).. tp takde size la.. (yg 'offer' la..).. I did notice that ramai plak org Malaysia kat sini.. ada yang cakap penang la.. melaka la.. macam2.. haa.. beli k.ainon beli.. beli k. mah beli.. aku tgk je la.. hehe.. Next, we all singgah Amanda Brownies beli kek kukus.. kira famous la kat sini.. kek brownies ni bole tahan 4 hari tanpa simpan kat fridge.. Whoaa.. a.zul yang paling byk beli .. smpai tak muat tgn.... takpe.. takpe.. dia kan ada fridge.. bole la simpan... erm.. kitorg pun nk tumpang simpan.. kekeke..
Day 3 (10 Aug 2009)
6.30am- B'fast.. alamak... menu sama la pulak.. dh le kureng skit.. belasah je la.. 7.30am- all of us dh siap nk gi shopping Pasar Baru Trade Centre(PBTC).. Mas Dony dtg amik kitorang.. smpi sana.. tgk belum buka lagi.. we all mundar-mandir sekejap.. then masuk PBTC.. wifey & the ladies cam nak gila shopping.. macam-macam.. murah2 je.. blouse le.. telekung sembahyang le.. cantik menarik tertarik la jugak.. dan berjuta2 Rupiah jugak la yg habis.. bygkan dari pagi sampai la kul 2 baru abis.. damn tired.. sampai terduduk.. takcaya? tgk gambar kat bwh ni :)
Next.. we stop at kedai makan Kingsley.. according to Mas Dony.. kat sini paling famous klu nak try Batagor Goreng.. (cam tauhu bakar la skit).. pas tu minum Es Dogel.. (cam ABC la..) while the rest try "Es kelapa + alpukat (avocado)". Aku ok je.. tauhu goreng/bakar memang aku suka pun.. tapi diorang kureng skit.. wifey siap order mi bakso..
Day 4 (11 Aug 2009)
Pepagi lagi we all dh siap.. then bertolak ke Jakarta.. Hotel N1 Tanah Abang to be exact.. Diulangi!! hotel N1 bukan H1N1.. hehe.. lebih kurang 2 hrs journey from Bandung to Jakarta.. jln hiway kurang macet.. but as we nak msuk jakarta.. Mak aii.. macet bangat dong.. Finally smpi Hotel N1.. not far from Pasar Tanah Abang (blok A).. a nice hotel.. maybe because its still new.. I would recommend this hotel to others.. especially yg nak shopping kat blok A tu.. since we arrive a bit early.. we left our things at the counter then jalan-jalan kat depan hotel & kawasan sekitar.. pas tu check in.. rehat jap..
Then around 12.30pm, all of us took Bajai (klu Thailand ada tut-tut) to Pasar Tanah Abang.. byrIDR2k je.. (RM0.70 je) nak jalan pun boleh.. (10-15 minutes walk). erm.. Ada byk tingkat.. klu textile ada tingkat dia.. klu kasut ada tingkat.. easier la... according to wifey, price kat sini lebih murah compare to Bandung.. apa lagi.. tepuk dahi la akak2 ni.. hehehe.. duit dh byk spend kat bandung.. tapi still diorang beli.. rugi katanya.. siap sampai tutup la kedai.. around 5pm.. so all the ladies berazam utk dtg lagi ke tanah abang.. siap ada contact person lagi.. Dafi ke apa ntah namanya.. tapi time balik kitorg menapak je la..
Day 5 (12 Aug 2009)
we wait at the hotel lobby around 8am.. then naik MPV.. Our supir's name.. Rahmat Hidayat.. and.. No! No! No!.. dia memang takde pertalian dengan Taufik Hidayat.. thou both from Bandung.. hehehe.. he was friendly.. he even can speak & understand B.Melayu a bit.. reach airport at 9.05pm.. our flight scheduled at 11.30pm.. sekali terasa gatal pulak nak tanya kat kaunter AirAsia whether ada delay tak.. tup tup.. amik ko!.. our flight delay to 3.45pm.. what??? klu delay 1-2 hr ok la.. erm.. what r we going to do for the next few hrs?? hampeh tul air asia ni.. klu inform awal bole la kitorang check out lambat sikit.. double hampeh!! last-last lepak kat airport tgk berita Nordin Mat Top/ Ibrohim.. sampai dh hafal muka Ibrohim tu..
dlm kul 2 baru msk.. siap ada 'shootin' lagi.. wait! heroin tu cam Luna Maya je.. perghh.. rugi k.mah sbb naik flight awal 30 minit..
Finally smpi LCCT kira2 jam 7pm .. alhamdulillah.. lewat pun takpe la.. yg penting selamat.. tp for sure kena call AirAsia tanya pasal refund RM200 tu..
Keseluruhannya.. aku rasa OK jugak trip ni.. fun.. penat.. best.. sah! akak2 ni akan dtg lagi.. group lebih kurang 6 org ni kira OK la.. klu ramai sgt.. mesti kelam kabut..
Day 1 (8 Aug 2009)
Bertolak tepat 3.55 pm (waktu Malaysia) dgn flight AirAsia QZ.. (erm.. x sangka pulak 'on time'.. hehe..) dan tiba Soekarna-Hatta airport dlm 5 lebih (waktu Indonesia). Disambut oleh Ms. Enggar & Pak Yanto (our supir for the day..)
On d way using highway Jakarta-Bandung.. since aku kat depan.. I do all the talking dgn Pak Yanto.. erm.. surprise.. surprise.. dia selalu jadi supir utk pelakon layar lebar (filem) such as Irwansyah.. Acha..etc... then, we stopped somewhere dekat Bekasi & Citibung.. or is it Citubung or Cibutung.. erm.. whatever la.. & pekena makanan padang @ Sederhana Bintaro.. Mak aii.. banyaknya lauk.. penuh meja.. TAPI jaga2.. pilih yang nak makan saja.. or u'll end up paying all.. After that, finally sampai Bandung, we managed to reach Wisma Ganda Pura kira2 10pm.. Kesian.. our supir kat Bandung (Mas Dony) dh tunggu dari jam 6 kat hotel tu.. the hotel rates as follows:
1. Me & wifey stay at deluxe room (IDR205k weekend/185k weekdays).. kira2 RM73/66
2. K.Ainon & K.Mah at std room (IDR150k weekend/135k weekdays).. takde aircond.. kipas je.. takpe Bandung sejuk kata mereka..
3. A.Zul & wife at exec room(IDR235k weekend/210k weekdays).. ada fridge woo.. bangga a.zul..
Day 2 (9 Aug 2009)
Breakfast kul 6.30 am. Nasi goreng + telur mata & air teh.. wanginya.. rasa cam bunga je.. Then 7.30am Mas Dony dtg & pick us up to Tangkuban Parahu.. sampai sana.. our supir tersilap ambil jalan.. we end up naik ikut 4wd's route.. so challenging.. cam naik kuda rasanya.. risau gila fikirkan wifey yg asyik pegang perut je.. lama pulak tu.. akhirnya jumpa gak jalan biasa ke puncak.. Di sana dpt lihat kawah gunung berapi yang besar.. what a beautiful scenery & suprisingly still active.. so we took few pics.. yg tak tahannya.. penjual souvenir.. asyik ikut je.. sampai pergi toilet pun diorg tunggu.. dahsyat betul diorang ni.. last2 aku beli juga.. baru diorg blah.. Then nampak A.zul & 3 mak dara turun ke bawah.. maybe ke kawah domas yang dikabarkan masih berasap (active).. plus ada air yg menggelegak.. boleh direbus telur.. Me & wifey tak pergi..

After that, we all singgah Rumah Mode.. There r many shops around.. ada tempat makan/minum.. I'm impressed with the place.. so neat.. thou harga barang a bit mahal.. waa.. cantiknya jaket kulit tu.. selepas penat berjalan, we all sempat makan cendol.. best jugak.. Then we went to cihampelas or cempelas or whatever la.. memandangkan hampir jam 3.. we all singgah for lunch.. erm.. makanan padang lagi.. tp rasa cam kureng sikit berbanding kat sederhana bintaro tu.. then jalan2 sekitar kawasan utk tgk2 barang yg boleh dibeli..
Lepas tu kira2 6pm we all singgah Toko 3.. nyaris tak leh masuk sbb tutup kul 6 rupanya.. banyak jeans yg dijual di sini.. ori beb!! murah la jugak.. teringin nak beli 505.. size 34 ada tp ketat la pulak.. kena cari 512 (relaxed straight).. tp takde size la.. (yg 'offer' la..).. I did notice that ramai plak org Malaysia kat sini.. ada yang cakap penang la.. melaka la.. macam2.. haa.. beli k.ainon beli.. beli k. mah beli.. aku tgk je la.. hehe.. Next, we all singgah Amanda Brownies beli kek kukus.. kira famous la kat sini.. kek brownies ni bole tahan 4 hari tanpa simpan kat fridge.. Whoaa.. a.zul yang paling byk beli .. smpai tak muat tgn.... takpe.. takpe.. dia kan ada fridge.. bole la simpan... erm.. kitorg pun nk tumpang simpan.. kekeke..
Day 3 (10 Aug 2009)
6.30am- B'fast.. alamak... menu sama la pulak.. dh le kureng skit.. belasah je la.. 7.30am- all of us dh siap nk gi shopping Pasar Baru Trade Centre(PBTC).. Mas Dony dtg amik kitorang.. smpi sana.. tgk belum buka lagi.. we all mundar-mandir sekejap.. then masuk PBTC.. wifey & the ladies cam nak gila shopping.. macam-macam.. murah2 je.. blouse le.. telekung sembahyang le.. cantik menarik tertarik la jugak.. dan berjuta2 Rupiah jugak la yg habis.. bygkan dari pagi sampai la kul 2 baru abis.. damn tired.. sampai terduduk.. takcaya? tgk gambar kat bwh ni :)
Next.. we stop at kedai makan Kingsley.. according to Mas Dony.. kat sini paling famous klu nak try Batagor Goreng.. (cam tauhu bakar la skit).. pas tu minum Es Dogel.. (cam ABC la..) while the rest try "Es kelapa + alpukat (avocado)". Aku ok je.. tauhu goreng/bakar memang aku suka pun.. tapi diorang kureng skit.. wifey siap order mi bakso..
Day 4 (11 Aug 2009)
Pepagi lagi we all dh siap.. then bertolak ke Jakarta.. Hotel N1 Tanah Abang to be exact.. Diulangi!! hotel N1 bukan H1N1.. hehe.. lebih kurang 2 hrs journey from Bandung to Jakarta.. jln hiway kurang macet.. but as we nak msuk jakarta.. Mak aii.. macet bangat dong.. Finally smpi Hotel N1.. not far from Pasar Tanah Abang (blok A).. a nice hotel.. maybe because its still new.. I would recommend this hotel to others.. especially yg nak shopping kat blok A tu.. since we arrive a bit early.. we left our things at the counter then jalan-jalan kat depan hotel & kawasan sekitar.. pas tu check in.. rehat jap..
Then around 12.30pm, all of us took Bajai (klu Thailand ada tut-tut) to Pasar Tanah Abang.. byrIDR2k je.. (RM0.70 je) nak jalan pun boleh.. (10-15 minutes walk). erm.. Ada byk tingkat.. klu textile ada tingkat dia.. klu kasut ada tingkat.. easier la... according to wifey, price kat sini lebih murah compare to Bandung.. apa lagi.. tepuk dahi la akak2 ni.. hehehe.. duit dh byk spend kat bandung.. tapi still diorang beli.. rugi katanya.. siap sampai tutup la kedai.. around 5pm.. so all the ladies berazam utk dtg lagi ke tanah abang.. siap ada contact person lagi.. Dafi ke apa ntah namanya.. tapi time balik kitorg menapak je la..
Day 5 (12 Aug 2009)
we wait at the hotel lobby around 8am.. then naik MPV.. Our supir's name.. Rahmat Hidayat.. and.. No! No! No!.. dia memang takde pertalian dengan Taufik Hidayat.. thou both from Bandung.. hehehe.. he was friendly.. he even can speak & understand B.Melayu a bit.. reach airport at 9.05pm.. our flight scheduled at 11.30pm.. sekali terasa gatal pulak nak tanya kat kaunter AirAsia whether ada delay tak.. tup tup.. amik ko!.. our flight delay to 3.45pm.. what??? klu delay 1-2 hr ok la.. erm.. what r we going to do for the next few hrs?? hampeh tul air asia ni.. klu inform awal bole la kitorang check out lambat sikit.. double hampeh!! last-last lepak kat airport tgk berita Nordin Mat Top/ Ibrohim.. sampai dh hafal muka Ibrohim tu..
dlm kul 2 baru msk.. siap ada 'shootin' lagi.. wait! heroin tu cam Luna Maya je.. perghh.. rugi k.mah sbb naik flight awal 30 minit..
Finally smpi LCCT kira2 jam 7pm .. alhamdulillah.. lewat pun takpe la.. yg penting selamat.. tp for sure kena call AirAsia tanya pasal refund RM200 tu..
Keseluruhannya.. aku rasa OK jugak trip ni.. fun.. penat.. best.. sah! akak2 ni akan dtg lagi.. group lebih kurang 6 org ni kira OK la.. klu ramai sgt.. mesti kelam kabut..
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Trip to Taman Negara (25-27 Jul 2009)
This is my first time to write a blog. I would like to share about my experience to Taman Negara (25 -27 Jul 2009) anjuran Kelab Sukan Kebajikan Koperasi Mercantile. Kitaorg guna Hans Travel Package.. It cost us RM315.00 per pax (min 30 pax).. but Kelab will sponsor RM255.00. So we end up just paying RM60.00..
Day 1 (25/07/09)
Bangun gila awal around 4.40am.. pergh.. terpaksa la.. since takde org nak hantar.. I ask my lil bro a favor untuk hantar kat Stadium Bkt Jalil to catch LRT.. (kebetulan he has to attend Karnival kereta or something @ stadium Bkt Jalil & he need 2 b there at 5.00am.. representing his Saga Iswara Club.. biar betul ni.. matahari pun tak nampak lagi.. b'semangat betul..)
Tiba ofis 7.45am.. About 28 of us by bus plus 2 more by car made the journey.. bas bergerak @8.05 to Taman Negara.. we stopped for lunch kat Jerantut(Restoran Lot 20) - 11.35am.. lunch??? seriously??? Luckily our secretary belanja we all ikan patin.. best.. walaupun ternak.. tp x hanyir.. 1 thing tht caught my attention abt this restaurant.. its toilet.. very unique.. as u hav to climb a few stairs.. hehe..
Finally we arrived @Taman Negara kira-kira 2pm.. Woohoo.. We stayed at Liana Hotel.. erm.. Hostel la.. erm.. katil double decker.. okay la.. utk tido & rest je.. then 1st activity.. naik boat then xpdc masuk Gua Telinga.. keluar ikut Gua Hidung.. hehe.. lawak skit.. can't resist it.. Anyway, few opted not to go in Gua Telinga as its narrow & a bit dangerous.. Well.. its an experience for me.. u need to crawl most of the time.. very slippery.. ada kelawar + tahinya.. erm.. there goes my jeans.. sah!! kena buang lepas ni.. & of course kena mandi.. dah bau semacam dah.. Lepas ni kitaorg nak gi dinner kat Mama Chop.. in fact, sepanjang berada kat sini.. itulah kantin kitaorg.. b'fast ke.. lunch ke.. dinner ke.. dah include dlm pakej..
After taking bath.. me & the rest smpi kt Mama Chop kira-kira kul 7.30pm as schedule.. tup.. tup.. kena beratur daa.. panjangnya barisan.. ingatkan group kitaorg je.. rupanya ramai.. especially Mat Saleh2.. meja pun dah siap di'reserve'.. ada yang nama Mr. San Dol pun ada.. kekekeke.. cam bunyi Samdol je..

at night we went for night trekking.. 30 of us been divided into 3 groups.. supposedly to look for animals, insects.. yet only managed to find a few.. beetle, ulat gonggok(besar).. * sigh*.. there's a group b4 us managed to encounter with Kijang, landak, etc.. waa.. After that, went back to hostel.. damn tired..
Day 2 (26/07/09)

All of us wearing yellow shirt as planned.. 1st activity of the day.. canopy walkaway (jambatan gantung terpanjang di dunia) / panjat bukit terisek.. So we need to climb few stairs to reach canopy walkaway.. entrance fee RM5.00.. Sampai kat sana.. Mak aii.. gila tinggi.. lebih kurang setinggi bangunan 7 tingkat.. perghh.. 5 platforms altogether.. to reach platform 2, is the scariest.. tapi kena control la rasa gayat tu.. ramai pompuan ni.. control macho beb!
then.. next activity, climbing bukit terisek.. luckily i brought new trekking shoe.. beli yang murah je.. according to our tourist guide its about 380 ft above sea level.. managed to reach viewpoint 1 (view outside Taman Negara) and viewpoint 2, Bukit Terisek (supposedly nmpk Mount Tahan.. sadly.. no.. due to kabus/jerebu)..
dekat viewpoint 1
bukit terisek.. viewpoint 2.. with tour guide, Din.. kesian.. siap keluar tanduk.. hehehe
Later.. went for rapid shooting.. best.. fun.. all wet.. hahaha.. padan muka korang.. erm.. me included.. :) huhu.. then visit orang asli's settlement.. managed to try sumpit.. okay le.. at least I hit the target.. then we all mandi sungai.. best.. lama dh x mandi sungai ni.. bole la tunjuk skill sikit2.. :)
In the evening.. ada karaoke session & lucky draw @ Rainforest.. we hav to walk from our hostel, quite far.. arghh.. dh la one whole day with activites.. & now still hav to walk some more.. Reaching there, we went straight to the hall.. sejuknya.. air cond la pulak.. alamak!! abis aku.. pakai seluar pendek (bawah paras lutut) la plak..
gila teruk aku karaoke.. nyanyi lagi "butakah cinta'.. while the rest pekakkan telinga masing2.. huhuhu.. memang takde bakat..
and then the lucky draw event.. I managed to get Pensonic Oven.. bole la.. rugi x dpt TV LCD.. suka betul abg Zali.. dah rezeki dia.. ada gak yang penimbang berat badan.. er.. apa motif ni?? tp nasib baik la yg digital punya.. kira ok la jugak...
Kul 11pm, after karaoke.. pihak Rainforest willing to provide us shuttle bus & send us to our hostel.. Fuhh.. leganya.. klu x.. jauh gak nak menapak.. tp sblm msk hostel..we all lepak for a while.. enjoying burger.. hmm sedapnya.. pastu our chairman datang.. dia kata dia belanja.. yeay.. bertambah la sedap burger tu.. kekeke..
then kira2 12.30am..we all msk hostel utk tdo.. dlm kul 1.10am.. bekalan elektrik terputus prolly due to kilat yg kuat td.. argghh.. tidak!!! berpanas le jawabnya.. around 2-3am, few of us lepak kat serambi.. sejuk sikit.. tp aku still tdo dlm hostel.. Finally.. syukur.. elektrik sambung balik kul 6.15am..
Day 3 (27/07/09)
Pepagi lagi we all getting ready to go back.. balik by boat to Kuala Tembeling.. then naik bus.. actually, just to get the feeling naik boat.. by bus mana 'thrill' nye.. tapi gila boring naik boat.. 2 hrs tuh.. klu setakat 1 jam tu ok la.. akhirnya smpi kt Jeti Kuala Tembeling aroung 11.00am then naik bas to KL..
From kuala Tembeling we all naik bas to KL.. we stopped at Restoran 20, Jerantut (same restaurant.. the one with unique toilet) siap bungkus ikan patin tu.. wifey mesti suka ni..
Finally, we reach ofis (Jln Medan Tuanku, KL) around 3.40pm..
Overall.. trip ni best.. especially for youngsters who has high energy level.. yg minat nature.. how I wish I went there sooner.. sekarang dgn sakit belakang la.. sakit kaki la.. susah woo.. I've been dreaming this for so long.. finally I made it.. I might go there again someday tp tunggu anak2 besar skit.. maybe aktiviti lasak kena skip such as masuk Gua Telinga.. Hopefully the day will come ..
Day 1 (25/07/09)
Bangun gila awal around 4.40am.. pergh.. terpaksa la.. since takde org nak hantar.. I ask my lil bro a favor untuk hantar kat Stadium Bkt Jalil to catch LRT.. (kebetulan he has to attend Karnival kereta or something @ stadium Bkt Jalil & he need 2 b there at 5.00am.. representing his Saga Iswara Club.. biar betul ni.. matahari pun tak nampak lagi.. b'semangat betul..)
Tiba ofis 7.45am.. About 28 of us by bus plus 2 more by car made the journey.. bas bergerak @8.05 to Taman Negara.. we stopped for lunch kat Jerantut(Restoran Lot 20) - 11.35am.. lunch??? seriously??? Luckily our secretary belanja we all ikan patin.. best.. walaupun ternak.. tp x hanyir.. 1 thing tht caught my attention abt this restaurant.. its toilet.. very unique.. as u hav to climb a few stairs.. hehe..
Finally we arrived @Taman Negara kira-kira 2pm.. Woohoo.. We stayed at Liana Hotel.. erm.. Hostel la.. erm.. katil double decker.. okay la.. utk tido & rest je.. then 1st activity.. naik boat then xpdc masuk Gua Telinga.. keluar ikut Gua Hidung.. hehe.. lawak skit.. can't resist it.. Anyway, few opted not to go in Gua Telinga as its narrow & a bit dangerous.. Well.. its an experience for me.. u need to crawl most of the time.. very slippery.. ada kelawar + tahinya.. erm.. there goes my jeans.. sah!! kena buang lepas ni.. & of course kena mandi.. dah bau semacam dah.. Lepas ni kitaorg nak gi dinner kat Mama Chop.. in fact, sepanjang berada kat sini.. itulah kantin kitaorg.. b'fast ke.. lunch ke.. dinner ke.. dah include dlm pakej..
After taking bath.. me & the rest smpi kt Mama Chop kira-kira kul 7.30pm as schedule.. tup.. tup.. kena beratur daa.. panjangnya barisan.. ingatkan group kitaorg je.. rupanya ramai.. especially Mat Saleh2.. meja pun dah siap di'reserve'.. ada yang nama Mr. San Dol pun ada.. kekekeke.. cam bunyi Samdol je..

at night we went for night trekking.. 30 of us been divided into 3 groups.. supposedly to look for animals, insects.. yet only managed to find a few.. beetle, ulat gonggok(besar).. * sigh*.. there's a group b4 us managed to encounter with Kijang, landak, etc.. waa.. After that, went back to hostel.. damn tired..
Day 2 (26/07/09)

All of us wearing yellow shirt as planned.. 1st activity of the day.. canopy walkaway (jambatan gantung terpanjang di dunia) / panjat bukit terisek.. So we need to climb few stairs to reach canopy walkaway.. entrance fee RM5.00.. Sampai kat sana.. Mak aii.. gila tinggi.. lebih kurang setinggi bangunan 7 tingkat.. perghh.. 5 platforms altogether.. to reach platform 2, is the scariest.. tapi kena control la rasa gayat tu.. ramai pompuan ni.. control macho beb!
muka gabra je Zainal ni.. aku kat belakang tu.. OK je.. hehe.. control abis...
view dari atas jambatan.. kecik je nampak diorang ni..
then.. next activity, climbing bukit terisek.. luckily i brought new trekking shoe.. beli yang murah je.. according to our tourist guide its about 380 ft above sea level.. managed to reach viewpoint 1 (view outside Taman Negara) and viewpoint 2, Bukit Terisek (supposedly nmpk Mount Tahan.. sadly.. no.. due to kabus/jerebu)..

In the evening.. ada karaoke session & lucky draw @ Rainforest.. we hav to walk from our hostel, quite far.. arghh.. dh la one whole day with activites.. & now still hav to walk some more.. Reaching there, we went straight to the hall.. sejuknya.. air cond la pulak.. alamak!! abis aku.. pakai seluar pendek (bawah paras lutut) la plak..

and then the lucky draw event.. I managed to get Pensonic Oven.. bole la.. rugi x dpt TV LCD.. suka betul abg Zali.. dah rezeki dia.. ada gak yang penimbang berat badan.. er.. apa motif ni?? tp nasib baik la yg digital punya.. kira ok la jugak...
Kul 11pm, after karaoke.. pihak Rainforest willing to provide us shuttle bus & send us to our hostel.. Fuhh.. leganya.. klu x.. jauh gak nak menapak.. tp sblm msk hostel..we all lepak for a while.. enjoying burger.. hmm sedapnya.. pastu our chairman datang.. dia kata dia belanja.. yeay.. bertambah la sedap burger tu.. kekeke..
then kira2 12.30am..we all msk hostel utk tdo.. dlm kul 1.10am.. bekalan elektrik terputus prolly due to kilat yg kuat td.. argghh.. tidak!!! berpanas le jawabnya.. around 2-3am, few of us lepak kat serambi.. sejuk sikit.. tp aku still tdo dlm hostel.. Finally.. syukur.. elektrik sambung balik kul 6.15am..
Day 3 (27/07/09)
Pepagi lagi we all getting ready to go back.. balik by boat to Kuala Tembeling.. then naik bus.. actually, just to get the feeling naik boat.. by bus mana 'thrill' nye.. tapi gila boring naik boat.. 2 hrs tuh.. klu setakat 1 jam tu ok la.. akhirnya smpi kt Jeti Kuala Tembeling aroung 11.00am then naik bas to KL..
From kuala Tembeling we all naik bas to KL.. we stopped at Restoran 20, Jerantut (same restaurant.. the one with unique toilet) siap bungkus ikan patin tu.. wifey mesti suka ni..
Finally, we reach ofis (Jln Medan Tuanku, KL) around 3.40pm..
Overall.. trip ni best.. especially for youngsters who has high energy level.. yg minat nature.. how I wish I went there sooner.. sekarang dgn sakit belakang la.. sakit kaki la.. susah woo.. I've been dreaming this for so long.. finally I made it.. I might go there again someday tp tunggu anak2 besar skit.. maybe aktiviti lasak kena skip such as masuk Gua Telinga.. Hopefully the day will come ..
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